These images have been gratefully received courtesy of Mans Grech, 9H1GB.
Mans has provided both Low-res and high-res images of the LT2S manuals and CCT Diagrams.
The high-res images are both English and German so there will be a set for most users' requirements.
However, these images come in at approx 1MB each page with the circuits each a minimum (in JPEG) of 3MB.
As this is much too large for many web users I intend to post-process the high-res images to (hopefully)
reduce the filesize while retaining the detail.
While I am working on that I'm pleased to provide these low-res JPEG files for immediate consumption.
' enjoy.
It has taken a while but there are now PDFs of the images and seperately of the schematics.
Since Google's crawler came by, I have received requests to put the
`high-res` images on the site. Given your bandwidth is sufficient you are
welcome to these (currently uncorrected) pages.
The scanned JPEG images are offered here as .ZIP files. Consequently you
must download them if you want them - you cannot 'view'.
Note before you begin; the schematics (3) are around 3.5 Megabytes in size and
the other pages are <> 1 Megabyte each.
PDF Files
Note that there is no breach of copyright here intended.
The images are provided as a service to colleagues in the Amateur Radio community.