Polar Electronic Developments "EDL144" QQV 06-40 144MHz Amplifier
This page is a bit PDQ - no clever download links - just display the item, right-click and save to disk
man2.txt (4Kb)
PA Circuit:
PAcct-s.gif (16Kb)
Pre-Amp Circuit:
LNAcct-s.gif (16Kb)
Control Board Circuit:
CTLcct-s.gif (16Kb)
Photo: Grid area showing Grid Swamping resistor:
ed144-3-001.jpg (23Kb)
Photo: Bottom View:
ed144-3-002.jpg (30Kb)
Photo: Anode Tune & Load
ed144-3-003.jpg (23Kb)
Photo: Anode Compartment:
ed144-3-005.jpg (24Kb)
Photo: Front:
ed144_0004-c.jpg (8Kb)
Photo: Back:
ed144_0005-c.jpg (7Kb)
Garex Pye Westminster Convertion Data #1:
Wessie-cnvrt1-s.gif (24Kb)
Garex Pye Westminster Convertion Data #2
Wessie-cnvrt2-s.gif (17Kb)
Hope it helps...