Tucnak WiKi
Wiki and Tucnak `VHF & Up` logger program download site by OK1ZIA.
Resume of features, How-Tos, tutorials, links. Several translations available.
Check this M1CRO/G0VHF page for local info.

TACLog/Tucnak-related Software Utilities (& Others) by G1OGY
Various software utilites written (in Perl) to enhance ones's TACLog experience! <G>

Offical TACLog Site of OZ2M
Official TACLog download Site. Resume of features, Program download plus supporting Files.

HOWTO Setup TACLogfor the UK 6 Metre Group Contest
TACLog can be configured to fully support logging and scoring - incl. multipliers - for the UKSMG Summer (Sporadic E) Contest.
Check the link for Dates, Times & Rules.
The UKSMG Membership Numbers are entered as "Optional Exchanges" and are counted as Bonuses. The image displayed via the 'HOWTO' or image link shows how to setup the parameters in the "Setup Defaults Page" to score the contest automatically. Re-read the TACLog manual or the M1CRO TACLog FAQ for more info on OEs (Optional Exchanges).